How To Encourage Positive Behaviour in Your Pet

Whether you have a new pet or one that you’ve had for a while, it’s always a good idea to encourage positive behaviour. It’s important to know that all pets can sometimes be naughty, but knowing how to promote good behaviour is vital if you want to build a bond with them.

No matter if you have a dog or a cat, there are certain practices you can implement that will help them to view you in a positive light. Now, it’s not a case of giving them everything that they want. It’s simply a way of finding the right balance that works for both of you. Establishing the boundaries and showing them how to correctly behave, you’re more likely to have a good relationship with them in the long term.

But if you’re unsure as to how to do this, these next few paragraphs might come in handy!

How to Encourage Positive Behaviour in Your Dog

Dogs are wonderful creatures, but they have a tendency to believe that they are the alpha of the group if you don’t establish the right boundaries with them. That’s why so many dog owners use positive reinforcement. Maintaining the behaviours that you want, it will help to build mutual feelings of confidence and trust between you.

Training Sessions

Training sessions are invaluable for dogs. Short and fun lessons, they’ll learn commands and the bond between you will deepen. However, during these sessions, it’s important to frequently use the same one-word commands so that they get familiar with them. You should ensure that all of your family members consistently use the same command too, so that your dog doesn’t get confused.

Reward-Based Training

Reward-based training is a method used by millions of dog owners globally. A technique that should be adopted early, your dog will learn what they can and can’t do. So how do you implement this? As soon as your dog performs the correct behaviour, you should reward them immediately both with verbal praise and a treat (or with pet food UK stores have to offer).

Every time from then on, they will know exactly how they should behave. Slowly weaning them off the treats, they’ll know that they will be praised.

Time Together

As well as enacting enforcement, in order to encourage positive behaviour, it’s important that you regularly spend time with your dog. Now, you need to ensure that you do this in a way that they won’t get too clingy or have separation anxiety. But by organising activities and spending quality time with them, they will be more likely to reciprocate affection and happiness.

Mental Stimulation

Usually, a dog will begin to destroy furniture or showcase bad behaviour because it’s not getting enough mental stimulation. An important aspect of their growth, they’ll thrive when you give them enrichment challenges and activities. Whether that’s hiding treats around the house, in toys or teaching them puzzles, they will find it a lot more exciting than simply sitting around the house.

How to Encourage Positive Behaviour in Your Cat

Many think that positive reinforcement is only for dogs. But it’s something that can also be used on cats. Cats learn incredibly quickly – and although they are very independent creatures, you can train them so that they know what’s wrong and what’s right. Rewarding them in return with a treat and verbal praise, they will start to show positive behaviour.

An exciting activity for you and your cat, your bond will blossom. Of course, cats don’t always respond the same way that dogs do. As more laid back animals, you’ll never be able to teach them tricks or commands. But they will soon pick up that rattling their food bowl at affordable pet care means food is coming.

Spend Time With Your Cat

If you want your cat to show you affection and to maintain a good relationship with you, you should try to set some time each day to play with them. Whether it’s a case of playing with their favourite toy or taking them out on a walk, it will encourage positive behaviour.

Practice Repetition 

Just with a dog, cat owners should practice repetition when they are teaching what they should and shouldn’t do. Now, you should never yell at your cat. But by reinforcing what’s good and what’s bad, they are more likely to be well behaved in the future.