Who is the company’s secretariat, and what is her role?


The word “Company Secretary” is defined under section 2 of the Company Secretaries Act of 1980, paragraph (c) of sub-section (1). They are entrusted with the responsibilities of a company secretary in line with the business’s charter.

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What are the duties of a secretary in a business?

As a company secretary, you are responsible for ensuring that the board of directors’ decisions are implemented, as well as ensuring that all legal and regulatory requirements are met. The duties of a corporate secretary include adhering to a wide range of laws, rules, and policies. For Appointing A Company Secretary you need to know the following:

Company secretaries in India are required to belong to the Indian Institute of Company Secretaries (ICIS). He or she will thereafter be eligible to work as a Firm Secretary in any firm that hires them after completing this requirement.

Following this approach is typically used to fill the post of Company Secretary (also known as CS).

Board meeting notice and drafted resolutions must be approved by the board before a candidate for Company Secretary may be considered for the post (C.S).

Prior to the Board meeting, all of the company’s directors should be given a copy of the meeting agenda.

Call a meeting of the board and vote on the following resolution

Board meeting results should be communicated to stock exchanges as quickly as feasible (within 30 minutes) if the securities in issue are traded on the market. In the case of publicly listed companies, this only pertains

  • Is the letter of appointment for the position of Company Secretary provided to the applicant? (C.S)
  • Fill out and submit DIR-12 electronically. This work must be completed and submitted to the Registrar of Companies in relation to the appointments of directors and the appointment of the Company Secretary within thirty days after the C.S. is appointed (C.S).

It is important to note in the register, minutes and books that the appointment letter has been delivered to the Company Secretary (C.S.).

All enterprises in Singapore must appoint a company secretary within the first six months of their existence. Is there anything in particular for which they should be held liable? And which tasks, if any, should be delegated to outside experts while remaining in-house for the rest?

A vast range of alternatives and services are accessible to businesses when it comes to hiring a secretary. An overview of the duties of a corporate secretary, as well as crucial things to bear in mind when employing one for your business, whether or not you’re a bootstrapped startup.

Determine the extent of your duties

Company secretary responsibilities in Singapore may be divided down into three categories, ranging from maintaining corporate records to acting as an executive assistant and communications officer for the board of directors.


ACRA typically communicates with the company secretary when it comes to inquiries on the details of the business. They are in charge of recording the minutes of the company’s annual general meetings (AGMs) and extraordinary general meetings (EGMs), as well as keeping the company’s records current and sending important documents to the IRAS, the ACRA, and any other applicable authorities.


In addition to being an advisor to the firm’s board of directors, a company secretary provides any essential practical help. As part of this function, it is necessary to ensure that all directors are aware of all legal and regulatory requirements.