Bake Fresh With All Types Of Flour: Signs It Gone Bad And Other Ways to Use Old Flour


While it is true that most Asians do not enjoy eating bread as much as rice, they love to eat it once in a while. Of all types of bread, they mostly love pancakes, especially kids. Apart from ready-to-make pancake mix with written recipes on its box, the process of making pancakes is simple. Just combine the pancake mix with cold water and pour them into a hot buttered or oiled pan, and viola—you now have a breakfast or snack that you can eat.

Some people prefer to bake their bread rather than purchasing a loaf from the grocery store, even though other types are not as easy to make as pancakes. But there is one problem, flour can go bad like other natural products.

Beginners in baking and pastries should become familiar with the different types of flour, including their shelf life. That way, they can bake delicious and fresh bread at all times.

Reading the following will help you improve your knowledge about flour. You will learn the shelf life of different types of flour and the other ways you can use the flour when it has expired.

Part I:  The Shelf Life Comparison Of Different Types Of Flour In Pantry And Stored In Refrigerator

Flour is not only for bread. It is also the main ingredient for making baked goods and noodles. For the past few decades, many different types of flour have emerged as more people love to try different kinds of food in restaurants and on the streets.

Before using the available flour mix that you have in the cabinet or the fridge, you should look at its expiration date. Otherwise, the baked goods or noodles you are going to make will not taste good. Those who eat food made out of expired or old flour can get sick.

If the flour mix you have is no longer in its box, try to remember when you first used it. Remember that all types of flour have a different shelf life and it changes depending on where you store the flour.



Consider saving this infographic on your smartphone or desktop for future reference when you bake goods or make noodles.

Part II: How To Tell If The Flour Has Gone Bad?

Like all living things, there is an end to all types of flour. Each can go bad once it reaches and passes its expiration date. Luckily, times have changed, and produced goods available in the market allow consumers to up until when they can consume them.

But what if you are the kind of homeowner that loves to store all types of flour in a different container and forgets to label the expiration date? If that happens, can you still tell if the flour you have in the cabinet or refrigerator has gone bad?

Before trying out the wholemeal bread recipe and other recipes, do some inspection by taking note of the following signs.



1.  Change In Colour

Even though the colour of flour is commonly known as white, you should know that it comes with different colours as the types of flour change. But even if that is the case, the colour of every type of flour should never change. In other words, the initial colour remains the same unless the flour has gone bad.

When it becomes a bit blue or has a touch of bluish hue, there is already mould growth. Remember that discoloured flour is bad flour, and this kind of flour becomes inedible.

2.  Exude A Foul Smell

Besides the colour, the way the flour smells can also be a sign that the flour has gone bad.

As soon as you open the container’s lid of the flour mix, you will get bombarded with a musty and sour smell.

If you cannot tell the foul smells the flour is exuding, consider holding the container right in front of your face and give the flour mix a sniff. That is what the rotten eggs in the cellar of the Northern Air Temple from the series Avatar: The Last Airbender smells like in reality.

3.  Texture Becomes Different

Another sign that is not hard to miss is the flour texture. You do not have to become a professional baker or pastry chef to know the flour becomes clumpy. By touching and rubbing the flour between your fingers, you can already tell the clumpiness of the flour.

The clumpiness of the flour happens due to the moisture that seeps through the bakery mix container. Excess moisture will immediately make the flour the breeding nest for bacteria, which makes the flour no longer safe for consumption.

4.  Bugs Nestled In

Pests like bugs are everywhere. Sometimes, these can be found burrowed in old flour. Consider getting a sifter and scooping the flour mix. Then gently shake it. If you notice something wiggling, that is probably the legs of the bugs, trying to hide.

Part III: How To Use Old Flour Around Your Home?

Besides knowing when the flour has gone bad, you should not throw them in the bin just yet. There are plenty of ways you can use old flour around your home, such as:

1.  Homemade Glue

Did your children run out of glue? You can create homemade glue with expired flour! Just mix the old flour mix, water, sugar and alum powder. Afterwards, you have to cook the mixture once it becomes clear.

2.  Stain Remover

Old flour can remove stains of any liquid. All you need to do is apply some flour to the stain and let it dry, then clean it off.

Do You Need To Restock Your Flour Supply?

Instead of going to a grocery store and grabbing a sack of flour mix, have it delivered to your home. Contact Primar flour, a flour supplier in Singapore that sells all types of flour available in the market.