Knee Health & Arthritis – Understanding Wearing & Tearing

When it comes to foot health, there are a number of risks, conditions and injuries that restrict our capacity to exert a wide range of movements. We learn this the hard way as we age. Our bones, joints and muscles tend to go weaker over time. Knee pain and osteoarthritis are becoming common problems for older adults. Some may even need to pay for surgery or knee support in Singapore.

Learning how to value our knee health plays a crucial role, especially for athletes and those living an active lifestyle. Our knees’ joints, muscles, and arms grow weaker as we age due to wearing and tearing as time passes. The inner workings of how our knee works to perform wide-range motions are complex. But needless to say, we must understand how the wearing and tearing happens and what one should do to enhance our knee health. As much as some of us are willing to take a compression arm sleeve or pad protection, our knee deserves the same careful treatment.

What Does ‘Wearing & Tearing’ Exactly Means?

We often hear the term ‘wearing and tearing’ spoken by doctors or even a few medical doctors, but what does it exactly imply? Is it another simplified term for another complicated explanation?

In most cases, the term ‘wearing and tearing’ is associated with osteoarthritis and people often have unfavourable views about the image it conjures. Hearing the word ‘arthritis’ portrays the picture of a worsening debility and degenerating bones. Osteoarthritis in the knee is a frequent type of arthritis that an individual can experience in their lifetime. Doctors would advise osteoarthritis patients to seek out a knee brace in Singapore in most cases.

Osteoarthritis causes stiffness, pain and crunching joints due to repetitive use on a daily basis. Such symptoms constrain us, making us unable to perform a wide range of movements that we often tend to do. However, it is a normal part of the ageing process, no matter how discomforting it seems to experience.

Our knees are like machines. It needs to be serviced and maintained. What happens to this mechanical equipment that runs for 50 or 60 years without proper maintenance and servicing? While there are knee support products and a knee brace that you can wear, knowing how to maintain your knee health will get you going by a mile while minimising pain, injuries and other related health problems.

3 Major Types of Arthritis You Should Know


Here are a few of the most common arthritis that exists in the medical world:

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, autoimmune and inflammatory disease, which means that the immune system attacks multiple joints, which causes painful swelling or inflammation on the joint part. Rheumatoid arthritis affects our body in a symmetrical form, which means that the same joints on both sides of the body are affected.

The common symptoms of these conditions are stiffness, tenderness, tiredness, fever and aches in more than one joint. Assistive devices, such as knee brace, and remedies such as OTC medicines can help relieve. If you are experiencing intense pain or an inability to walk, consider seeing a doctor.


As we have mentioned earlier, it’s one of the frequent types of arthritis that affects adult people 50 years old and above. The degenerative joints often cause osteoarthritis. The degenerative joint is the breakdown of the cartilage, making it frequent for older people. Therefore, it’s a condition that affects older adults.

The condition may affect the knees, the hips and even the hands. There is no existing cure for osteoarthritis. Nonetheless, knee support, exercise, weight loss and medications can help alleviate the condition.

Post-traumatic arthritis

Post-traumatic arthritis happens after an injury or trauma in the knee (hence the term ‘post-traumatic’). The condition exhibits inflammation in the affected joints after receiving an injury or trauma instead of long periods. It’s temporary, unlike other forms of arthritis, and one can expect recovery after a number of months, which sometimes becomes chronic. However, other bone injuries or meniscal tears can wear down the knee joint over time.

Physical therapy, rest, following medications and performing a low-impact exercise can help post-traumatic arthritis apart from knee support devices.

Knee Health 101 –  4 Ways You Can Do To Improve Your Knee Health


It’s crucial for us to look after our knees. Improving your knee health (whether you’re young or old) can save you from experiencing chronic conditions and minimises the chance for pain and injuries to occur.

Without further ado, here are a few ways you can do to improve your knee health:

Keep exercising

While it’s much easier for others to avoid getting injured by refraining from engaging in physical activities, it brings more risks for your body. Exercises are a crucial activity that maintains your knee and other joints. Allowing it to have more straight and ensuring its full function as you age without wearing knee support devices or undergoing surgery.

Monitor your weight

Monitoring your weight isn’t just for athletes or for people undergoing strict diet regimes. Every pound your body gains adds more pressure and force to your knee joints. Therefore, shedding a few extra pounds will do wonders to improve your overall knee health! After all, you don’t want to have a knee brace or take regular meds.

Be conscious of your posture

Your posture matters a lot as well. It’s a false practice to slouch and ignore your posture since it can add more stress to your knees. Performing core-strengthening exercises or physicians will help address this problem.

Visit a doctor for check-ups

Medical check-ups allow identifying pre-developing conditions and knee-injury and condition risks in accordance with your age and lifestyle.

For knee-assisting devices and a basketball jersey in Singapore, visit Rigorer for more info!